hey im back! I'm blogging again...well, I'm just really happy today! First of all, i didn't get into dance troupe. weird huh? I am saaad, like really sad that i didn't pass but happy at the same time, because i actually tried out for that club. I mean, I've finally stepped out of my comfort zone and trying out for ACDT was the first thing i did. During the try-outs, i was really nervous and i think i even embarassed myself but..its weird, i feel happy and fulfilled!..although i still want ACDT haha. (Congratulations to those who got in! good job). Well, as we all know, nothing happens by chance.
Second, I signed up for CIC (community involvement committee)last week and today i was interviewed by nikki (the other CIV head). The interview was fine although i messed up some of the questions. When i got home i received a text from the CIC heads............I passed. THANK YOU GOD! But i still have to stay til 4pm tom. for the last screening. I really hope i get in.
Last, sam invited me to go to her house to stay there til 6:30 (coz my mom was gonna pick me up at that time, by then wala ng tao sa school) She was so nice. She wa soffering me food and stuff. sammy! i love you, thanks!!
So there! haha, i really feel like blogging today.
OMG! we only have two homeworks? AWESOME!
k, pls, dont mind my grammar and shiz, im in a hurry i wanna sleep, haha. :)