I wanted to start this blog entry with "Today..." But for some reason, i found it unsuitable and i've been starting entries with "todays" so for a change, why dont we start with YEHEY!
k, cut.
I'll just use "today"
Today... well, i didnt like today. My morning didnt start out right. I mean, i was expecting it to be all fun and ...basta it just didnt turn out how i expected it to be. Anyway, i've probably tweeted "I miss school" several times during the break and efff my life, i TAKE EVERYTHING BACK. sembreak please hug me again! :(( Orientation just dragged me down and I know im supposed to be all positive and have this great outlook in life and just live life to the fullest blah blah. But this is just one of those days when I want to be negative. I know it's not going to bring me any good but i think that it's also nice to be down and sad once in a while. Dont ask me why.
Our RLE groups were reshuffled today and I'm with a new set of people. No more trisoGroup this semester. And it's so depressing because I want to be with that group til fourth year, because somehow, they bring out the best in me (no chos!). I even got teary-eyed this morning because i was the only one separated from the barkada. John, pat and arcee are in one group while i'm in a different one. I'm not saying that I don't like my new groupmates, it's just that I love my first sem RLE group so much that i'm now having a hard time accepting the fact that i'm in a new group. It's hard to imagine my duties without my daily dose of trisoness :(
Right now I'm hoping for the best and even though i'm having a hard time absorbing everything that's happened... I know that i'll get through this...because i always do....
....i dont know how but i will.
I can.