Friday, September 19, 2008

Inspired by english teachers.

English class is the only subject I look forward to this fourth year because it's never boring. I can endure and i would even love to have a 24 hour English class. It's probably because every meeting is like a chance to know more about life and to appreciate it even more. Mrs. Villalon, Ms. Villafania and Mrs. Eala have really inspired me to look at life with a positive attitude.

I'm the kind of person who gets annoyed and irritated easily. I always enter the classroom with a "pissed off" face because of stress. Everyday when i get home i shout "I hate school". I'm a very pessimistic highschool student and I easily give up on things.

Well, i watched the film of Dewitt jones entitled "celebrating what right with the world" That 22 minute film hella changed my perception of life. Here's the link if you want to watch it. The film taught me to be positive all the time and to look at what's right with the world rather than what's wrong with it. It taught me to do things now! make a chnage today! It pulled the trigger and shot me. Taught me to live today as if it were the last, cliche as it may sound but its true. I rember mrs. Eala telling us that there's nothing greater than starting your day with the Gospel and surrounding yourself with the good news of God.

Our discussion about the bishop (one of the characters from Les Miserables) was a super englighting discussion of how we should see God in each and every one of us. I totally saw the impact of that discussion because right after english class when we were all in the classroom everyone was just happy and good to each!

So, starting today I'm going to start my day with the right attitude and try to cheer everyone. I'm going to listen to the gospel every morning. I'm going to try my best to smile when i enter the classroom rather than shouting. From now on, I'm going to see God in everyone and try my best to love my enemies just how the bishop accepted Jean Valjean in his house and giving him even his most precious belongings.

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