The only thing i really want for Christmas is celebrating it with my whole family like..5 years ago? I'm not exactly sure but that's the last Christmas i celebrated it with a complete family. You see, my dad's a mariner and he's tied with the contract so he can't always go home for Christmas. It's really sad. But at least my brother's here. I really hope that next year we can celebrate it with my dad. I really miss him and Holidays without him isn't really fun. It's like when you were still a kid and you would hang your socks near your bed or on your staircase hoping to receive gifts from Santa Claus and you wake up early the next day realizing that the socks are still empty. yeah, It's pretty much like that *sigh*. However, there were still a lot of things that i was happy about this Chritsmas like Nolan coming home from Afghanistan. He's a marine and he goes to all these dangerous places and yeah you know, war..so I'm really happy that we got to see him. He's so batak! haha. And of course, like everyone who goes abroad, the first thing they miss about the Philippines is Jollibee. I remembered my brother who ordered 3 jolly Spaghetti when he came back from Australia and kuya yuya who got a 2 piece chicken meal and one Spag. when he arrived here from Japan. Nolan, on the other hand, got a BUCKET of chicken and he ate all of 'em. and for the record, he wasn't satisfied...he wanted more! :)) Another thing that i was so excited about is my cousins whom i didn't get to see last Christmas, had their Christmas vacation here at our house. Tita Lita came home as well from Japan. I'm hella glad to see these people and with all of 'em present, the house became a Home again. Yeap! with the tong-its, 123 pass, lucky 9 and pusoy dos sessions! Eating sardines for lunch and our all nighters! Going to MOA for no reason, DVD marathons and walang katapusan na kainan. Merry Christmas! :)
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