Wednesday, December 29, 2010

You'll get by with a Smile

I think that the loneliest thing in the world is eating alone.

Food is something we should always share.. i mean it's meant to be shared. I know we've all experienced eating alone with tons of delicious food in front of us but we easily get tired of the taste because its never "that good." Having friends around and sharing a plate of pasta or a cup of coffee tastes and feels so much better than dining alone in an expensive restaurant. Even if the food is always bitin or we feel cheated off at times because a friend got a bigger piece, it's still one of those moments we treasure and love to bits.

I think that the most simple yet amazing miracle that can happen in a person's everyday life is when a random stranger says "hi!" or "goodmorning" or "have a good day!" to him/her on the road. This is the stranger who says those words with utmost care and sincerity.... (not a nice word to say but i'm gonna use it anyways) manyak boys do not count. The simplest greetings from people we do not know are those that we always tend to ignore or not give importance to because we're too self centered and selfish to even think that others actually care for us. And you should also know that it takes a lot of courage for a total stranger to greet you. Remember that Random hugs, random smiles and random HIs always save people. We all have our daily struggles but I think that it shouldn't be a reason for us to stop caring for others. I value random greetings from random people. They get me going and you know what's the best? They never fail to make me smile.

So got out there and spread your love. You don't have to .... someone. You just gotta say hi and mean it. :)

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