I log in on Tumblr and see all these pictures of skinny, beautiful people....
I'm envious because i'm not as thin or as pretty
I'm sad because i can never be one.
I'm depressed because i feel insecure.
I log in on Tumblr and read all these quotes telling me to be happy with how I look...that I'm good enough.
See, the irony isn't making me feel better.
p.s. I have nothin against Tumblr. :)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
You'll get by with a Smile
I think that the loneliest thing in the world is eating alone.
Food is something we should always share.. i mean it's meant to be shared. I know we've all experienced eating alone with tons of delicious food in front of us but we easily get tired of the taste because its never "that good." Having friends around and sharing a plate of pasta or a cup of coffee tastes and feels so much better than dining alone in an expensive restaurant. Even if the food is always bitin or we feel cheated off at times because a friend got a bigger piece, it's still one of those moments we treasure and love to bits.
I think that the most simple yet amazing miracle that can happen in a person's everyday life is when a random stranger says "hi!" or "goodmorning" or "have a good day!" to him/her on the road. This is the stranger who says those words with utmost care and sincerity.... (not a nice word to say but i'm gonna use it anyways) manyak boys do not count. The simplest greetings from people we do not know are those that we always tend to ignore or not give importance to because we're too self centered and selfish to even think that others actually care for us. And you should also know that it takes a lot of courage for a total stranger to greet you. Remember that Random hugs, random smiles and random HIs always save people. We all have our daily struggles but I think that it shouldn't be a reason for us to stop caring for others. I value random greetings from random people. They get me going and you know what's the best? They never fail to make me smile.
So got out there and spread your love. You don't have to .... someone. You just gotta say hi and mean it. :)
I'm Learning to Breathe
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thanks for the Memories because They were Grrrreat!
Ate zubie, ate pearly and I walked around the village a while ago before having our dinner. When we usually do this...we become a bit nostalgic. We reminisce about our childhood days.
There were lots of children playing on the street this afternoon and ate Zubie suddenly said that we used to be like them before.
When we were still kids, my cousins would stay here at home for the holidays (and summer or any event with long weekends)...so we would spend most of our time playing outside from 3pm to 12am and our parents were just in the garage drinking and sharing stories. We're a big family and we all know that we have this responsibility of being accountable for one another so there's no problem. Our village isn't big anyways so playing outside til 12am isn't a big deal (plus, the titos and the titas play with us :P). Yeah, we're cool like that! So, we practically played EVERYTHING as in from pantintero to piko to tagu-taguan to habulan to langit-lupa to agawan-base to monkey in the middle to basketball, volleyball, football, dodge ball, bicycle racing, pepsi-seven-up!, to tumbang preso to boxing to bahay-bahayan to barbie dolls, to toy cars to beyblade to snake and ladders and monopoly to pusoy dos, tong its and GOD-KNOWS-WHAT-ELSE. We also fought each other. One time, we were divided into two groups and there was like WAR in the house for a week. But everything was just part of the fun! and you know what was the best? They provided us with midnight snacks!
So yeah, my cousins and I are really close and we've shared great memories no one can ever replace. We've spent so much time with each other that when we start talking about it (during reunions), the stories never end.
Today, well, we're all 'grown up'. Most of my cousins are already abroad and some of them are already working or too busy with college (like me :)). So when we get the chance to see each other, we never fail to make kwento all those fun times and we never get tired of hearing them.
While we were strolling in the village ate Zubie suddenly shared something about winning the lotto. So everyone knows that someone won that 700M grand prize from the lotto and YES WE WERE THE ONES WHO GOT IT.
JOKE langgggggggg mehn! (coz if that happened I would be blogging about me... travelling Spain and Greece and not about this).
Anyway, Ate zubie said that if she got that much money, she would probably give it all away to our relatives and friends. Like she would give me a ticket to the World Cup or a tour in Spain and she would build a hospital because a lot of us are nurses or in the medical field. She would give my brother enough money so he can establish his own company in Australia. She would give one of my cousins (who is taking up HRM) her own restaurant etc etc etc.
You know...It's very pleasing to hear those 'wishes' or 'dreams' especially because they're meant for others. I'm really grateful that even if we've gone our separate ways, we never forget to look back on our pasts. As cousins, we're thankful to have each other's back and I'm amazed and surprised how time and experience have changed and made us better persons. Its really fascinating when the people you grew up with become more worried about you... That they're happier when they get to spend money for your happiness rather than buying something for themselves.
(By the way, I'm very proud to say that i've spent and maximized my childhood days very well. Thank you to my parents who never stopped me from exploring the world and just letting me fly and learn from my mistakes. I was never like those kids who ran with towels on their backs or gets called up by their parents to have their clothes changed. I was never spanked or shouted at for falling off a mountain bike and going home with wounds and blood everywhere. I acted like a boy and I didn't care if I had dirt all over my face. I wasn't spoiled but I had my daily tantrums. I was never forced to get a perfect grade. Everything was just a matter of learning. I passed. I failed. I never got any awards in preschool or in gradeschool. I played A LOT and didn't care. The important thing is that I learned. I learned that when i fall down a bike, i get tons of scars (which are forever gonna be there) so the next time i ride, i would be extra careful.)
random. cheese. sabog. long blog entry.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Head over feet
Have you ever had this feeling of having this great passion for studying? Like you just want to grab a book or an educational journal/magazine and read them from cover to cover and still yearn for more information?
I always have that feeling. Actually, i get that every morning of my life because i'm always (well, i'd like to believe that I am) driven to strive for my best. But wait, don't think of me as the smart-all-knowing student of the class... because i'm the exact opposite. I'm one of those students who nods in class and pretends that i'm interested in the lesson. I doodle on my planner rather than writing down notes. I'm one of the loudest in class and i sit at the back of the room so I can sleep. Yeah, that's pretty much how this semester has been and i'm quite disappointed with myself (duhh? who wouldn't?!). So, what exactly happened to the feeling of wanting to study?...As I've said, i get that feeling every morning but for some weird reason, when i enter the classroom...the feeling just fades away. It sucks, really. Because i expect myself to be a good student everyday but at the end of the day, i just get disappointed with myself. It's like a mood swing...y'know when you're at the height of something then it suddenly falls down and it annoys you because you want to go back but can't. It's tragic. AND IT HAPPENS TO ME EVERYDAY. Imagine trying to start a day off with this feeling of "this is a new day im gonna learn a lot of things" but the moment when you see school, you just wanna run back home.
I really don't know what's happening to meeeeeeeeeeee. I used to love going to school because i love learning new things. I used to love sitting in front of the class and trying my best to listen to the professor no matter how boring the lesson is. I want to be like that again. I want to have that energy and passion to go to school and learn.
Right now I feel like im going nowhere. I feel like a Mercedes-Benz being ignored. I know that i have so much in me and i can do more...i can achieve more.
I need an inspiration or something that will motivate me to start again. I need that passion back.
(I know it's Christmas break and talking about school isn't really a good idea because i'm supposed to relax and chill, but i can't help it! BECAUSE I FEEL SO USELESS AND STUPID.)
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
I'm not a Human Being
I wanted to start this blog entry with "Today..." But for some reason, i found it unsuitable and i've been starting entries with "todays" so for a change, why dont we start with YEHEY!
k, cut.
I'll just use "today"
Today... well, i didnt like today. My morning didnt start out right. I mean, i was expecting it to be all fun and ...basta it just didnt turn out how i expected it to be. Anyway, i've probably tweeted "I miss school" several times during the break and efff my life, i TAKE EVERYTHING BACK. sembreak please hug me again! :(( Orientation just dragged me down and I know im supposed to be all positive and have this great outlook in life and just live life to the fullest blah blah. But this is just one of those days when I want to be negative. I know it's not going to bring me any good but i think that it's also nice to be down and sad once in a while. Dont ask me why.
Our RLE groups were reshuffled today and I'm with a new set of people. No more trisoGroup this semester. And it's so depressing because I want to be with that group til fourth year, because somehow, they bring out the best in me (no chos!). I even got teary-eyed this morning because i was the only one separated from the barkada. John, pat and arcee are in one group while i'm in a different one. I'm not saying that I don't like my new groupmates, it's just that I love my first sem RLE group so much that i'm now having a hard time accepting the fact that i'm in a new group. It's hard to imagine my duties without my daily dose of trisoness :(
Right now I'm hoping for the best and even though i'm having a hard time absorbing everything that's happened... I know that i'll get through this...because i always do....
....i dont know how but i will.
I can.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Let the Good Times Roll
Monday, November 1, 2010
'Cause when it's going good, it's going great!
Let this go
What a nice way of starting the morning :| :| :|
oh, hello November 1. You are cursed.
So much for family bonding.....
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Brunchhhhh Crunch!

Anyway, we finally had our TrisoBrunch at shakeys two days ago and it was so much fun being with the trisogroup again. I can't wait for our next duty! I'm so up for the whole baliwness and randomness next sem! I miss franzel and sep though because they didnt join us and of courseeee our trisoMommy!
Happy birthday Ria!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
At first, i honestly didnt like my group because the only one i knew was arcee. I even remember telling arcee that we will stick together no matter what because i dont think that this group would be the type of group that we are now.
Sev, Arcee, Xy, Kim, Char, Love, Lovely, Maria, Ei and Sep, You have no idea how much I love you guys! I probably woudn't be as happy right now if i didn't have you guys in the group. I mean our randomness and cazyness and trisoness just made us closer to each other. I'm super thankful for our community duty because that was when we got super close to each other - yeah, paghinahabol natin yung fishball and mangga o pag naghahanap tayo nag isaw pero sa bakery lang pala tayo mapupunta, at san ka may IR pa :P But I'm more thankful for our lying in duty because that's when we ALL became trisos :>
I love how we all just bring out our baons and have like a foodfest every now and then...I love how we all crave for banana cues and turon, I love how we all love stick-o! Everything was just so funny in lying in...
with the labor dance,
with the triso board, pag nagreregress tayo,
when we all have that maria attitude, when we bully each other,
when we made our family thing,
when ma'am G. would join us,
when we would all wait for siesta so we can all sleep,
when we would play bumpcars with the office chairs,
when sep would laugh "NYAYAYAYYA",
when maria would kill aedes egypti and assess them and just say that their paralyzed "PROMISE!",
When we would all fight for the triso board,
pag nagmumura si lovely hahahah
and just basically everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But what i love the most about our group is the fact that our friendship and closeness is not just seen when were on duty but also in school when we have classes. I also like it when we would surprise our groupmate when it's his/her birthday!
Anyway, I just wanted to say that i love our trisoGroup and i cannot imagine what would happen if one of us leaves that's why i was supper happy when we all passed microbio! I hope that next sem we're all in the same group because nothing beats our RLE group. We've had so much fun together as a group and i want that to last foreverrrrrr! I love you, Triso Kids!
Hi Sir, I'm a Student Nurse!
Second year is when we officially start our duties in different areas for four rotations with our RLE groupmates (AND I SUPER LOVE THEM!).
Our group was assigned first in the out patient department. Our main task was to monitor the vital signs of the patients. It seems so simple for you but when you're in the area and everything's so busy...with parents looking for their kids, stretchers on the floor, nonstop paging, children crying, nurses going here and there...well, those make the whole situation complicated. Me and Arcee, my partner, were assigned in three different areas - pedia, medicine and surgery. Among those 3, I liked pedia the most. Honestly, I never liked children but monitoring their VS and staying in the pedia room for 4 hours made me love 'em. They're so cute, especially when they try to grab my uniform or hold onto my hand while taking their temperatures. But what really touched me in pedia were the mothers and how much they showed their love for their children. I had this case where the baby had all these illnesses and everything seemed like falling out of place but when I interviewed the mother, there was no hint of weakness, of damage.. of hopelessness. I remember her telling me something like "mahal ko ang anak ko at gagawin ko lahat para magamot siya" She was such a hero because if i were in her position, i probably would've given up....but as the cliche goes "there's nothing like the love of a mother"
OPD was the duty i saw myself in as a nurse because there, i encountered people from different walks of life...and i realized that in every minute, there are so many people who are fighting for the lives of their loved ones even when every way seems so impossible and insanely stupid to take, but they choose to take it anyway because of faith.
Second rotation was in the nursery and the babiessss are too cute for my liiiiiiiife! Im so ready to be a mother...NAT! but seriously, it was like my first time to put on diaper, bathe the babies, put on clothing hahaha. Before the duty, i was super scared for this rotation since i dont like handling babies because they're so fragile and im scared i might break them or something. Nothing much happened during this rotation but i still loved it because then i learned that life is the most precious thing in the world! And one dad was even teary eyed watching his baby from the nursery window and that was beyond the word awwww can describe. :>
Third rotation was in the community. At first it was kind of boring because there weren't any patients and all we did was EAT - ftw the mangga and bagoong and gulaman :> When we did our home visits that's when everything started to change. We walked and walked and walked and interviewed people on the streets just to get a good case until we got one with a rheumatic heart disease. Group case in the community is the most toxic because it included the whole family plus we had to make a floor plan of the house and the genogram. Home visits were very tiring, i mean just the 'walking itself is tiring already....anddddd the heat was intolerable. But it was a good experience! In the community, I learned that life is full of ups and downs, of survival, of change, of goodlucks and badlucks....I realized how lucky i am of a person to have all the things i need to live when some dont even have clothes to wear. So, everyday, I try my best to be satisfied with what i have because when I actually think of it, I already have so much for myself.
Fourth and last rotation was in the lying in. This was the rotation i was waiting for because there's action, there's the blood and its the closest i can get to feeling the "surgery room" or something hahaha. This rotation turned our to be the best! It's because of the CI, the groupmates and the experiences we had. Sure, there were boring moments especially those times when we had no patients at all but the group made it still fun! Anyway, my first lying in experience was WOAHHHHHH! like really blood kung blood, episiotomy kung episiotomy, suture kung suture! HAHHA! Everything was just totally new. It's so funny and amazing when we would cheer and pray for the baby to come out already and we would clap our hands when the baby is already out. *labor danceeeee* At first, we were so grossed out with the set up but we got used to it...like the mother is already bearing down and the midwife was like shouting "mrs, bat wala kang dalang damiiiiit?" i didn't know if i'm supposed to laugh or to get mad. I mean hello, she's already in so much pain tas you're gonna shout at her pa. It's mean at first but later we realized ..ahh ok it's a normal thing.
Everything went by so fassssst. I can't believe i survived 4 group cases and three individual cases. I can't believe i was able to go through 4 ward classes. I can't believe i was able to breathe even with the tight schedule. I can't believe that i passed all four rotations. I can't believe that i'm starting to love nursing. i can't believe that i'm gaining so much life lessons in my duties. I can't believe that im appreciating life so muchhhh now and that i can CONFIDENTLY SAY THAT IM LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST!
So far so good! :>
hello second sem, i'm gonna rock you!
My good news,
Breakfast at Tiffany's
(Because ive been listening to that song for two weeks now and im still not over it.)
Anyway, It's sembreak and im loving every second of it - yes, even just lying in bed without thinking of anything school related is already considered as a part of "the good life." It seems way too mababaw but after those sleepless nights of studying for microbio, working on group and individual cases, tiring (but fun!) duties, no weekends and information overload lectures...well i guess, i learned to appreciate those little moments of peace and quiet and just being myself again.
I've missed blogging. It was part of my stress reliever before but second year first sem. just kicked my ass and i totally didnt have the time to do anything "stress relieving" ...except for laughing with ze friends (which I'm very thankful for!). So here I am, back again to blogging and i know I have no entries for like 2 months but i hope the upcoming ^ blog entries will suffice for the missed ones because i will make them super heartfelt :P
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
thank you friends
thank you family
thank you God.
Monday, August 23, 2010
We're gonna party like it's 2012

yeah ok I know i havent blogged since foreverrrr... sorry im just really lazy and i'd like to spend my free time doing some other things like updating my ipod, catching up with my friends, drinking coffee in starbucks while writing down random things on my planner etc.
and im here right now just to say that hahahah!
and im living life right now, i can feel it.
I'm living the "cortado" life and im actually liking it! I might not be excelling in school as much as last year but i know that im better now and not being wayyy too serious in school makes me appreciate life more.
(and to you.... thank you for your smile because...just because)
Monday, July 12, 2010

My sister and i together with our cousins decided to watch the finals at National Sports Grill in GB3....and dude it was awesome! Never knew there were lots of football fans in the Philippines haha. I also loved seeing Spain fans wearing the Liverpool and Barcelona jersey! Never experienced something as awesome as this and the best part was shouting VIVA ESPANA! VIVA ESPANA! inside the car with the windows open, and fans wearing ORANJE were just laughing at us! ahhahah! fun fun fun <3
So now that it's over, i gotta start focusing on my studies which i've totally ignored since WC2010 started hahah. time to pull up my grades. VAMOS SYDNEY? hahha. NOPE NOPE, IT'S STILL VAMOS ESPANA!

I love you, Spain! Til death do us part!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Today is the day!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
When I get older, I will be Stronger
Yesterday was my first day as a second year college student, YEHEY......nat :|
My schedule was 6am to 6pm. That was 12 hours and it just tortured me. I just sat there and listened to my Clinical Instructors the whole day. They were teaching us how to take care of newborns, procedures to be done in the lying in etc. The procedures sound cool because we are actually gonna do them when we're on our duties but the whole process of teaching totally bored me. I just cannot explain the immensity of the boredom i experienced. OK, maybe i'm exaggerating here but i don't know. I didn't sense the PASSION from my teachers which was probably why they didn't get my attention. Everything was just so crappy yesterday. I know it's partly my fault too because I kinda didn't want to listen and the lessons were ... dragging.
I hope next week's gonna be better to the point that I would actually look forward to the next meeting. POSITIVITY!
My schedule was 6am to 6pm. That was 12 hours and it just tortured me. I just sat there and listened to my Clinical Instructors the whole day. They were teaching us how to take care of newborns, procedures to be done in the lying in etc. The procedures sound cool because we are actually gonna do them when we're on our duties but the whole process of teaching totally bored me. I just cannot explain the immensity of the boredom i experienced. OK, maybe i'm exaggerating here but i don't know. I didn't sense the PASSION from my teachers which was probably why they didn't get my attention. Everything was just so crappy yesterday. I know it's partly my fault too because I kinda didn't want to listen and the lessons were ... dragging.
I hope next week's gonna be better to the point that I would actually look forward to the next meeting. POSITIVITY!
Whatever Sui

...however, i was really happy that F9T played, he's my favorite player and i am insanely in love with him! ahhahaha c'mon! doesn't his new hair make him look like he's just 18yrs old? :P I DIE!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Captain Fantastic!
South korea and Argentina
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Ke Nako
It's time!
My four year wait to the biggest sporting event in the world has come to an end!
I'm going to try to watch all 64 games of the world cup without failing any of my subjects this sem! hahaha! Goodluck!
Watched the first two games last night - RSA v MEX and FRA v URU! Both games were disappointing because the games ended with a draw. 1-1 and 0-0, respectively. The first goal of the world cup came from the host Nation, RSA by the awesomest nameeee ever! siphiwe TSHABALALA! :> However, the stadium was silenced by Marquez's equalizer just few minutes from the first goal. I'm personally not (yet) impressed with the RSA NT's performance last night. If it weren't for Khune (GK) Mexico could've scored twice during the first half.
pictures from fifa.com
My four year wait to the biggest sporting event in the world has come to an end!
I'm going to try to watch all 64 games of the world cup without failing any of my subjects this sem! hahaha! Goodluck!
Watched the first two games last night - RSA v MEX and FRA v URU! Both games were disappointing because the games ended with a draw. 1-1 and 0-0, respectively. The first goal of the world cup came from the host Nation, RSA by the awesomest nameeee ever! siphiwe TSHABALALA! :> However, the stadium was silenced by Marquez's equalizer just few minutes from the first goal. I'm personally not (yet) impressed with the RSA NT's performance last night. If it weren't for Khune (GK) Mexico could've scored twice during the first half.
OH WELL, there are 3 games to look forward to tonight! :> :> :> so stoked to see Messi play later! and ENGLAND OHHMAHHGASHH! Hope the English team will sink USA later. heehee!
RSA NT celebrates after scoring the opening goal!
Dos santos and Marquez of Mexico
pictures from fifa.com
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
True Colors are Beautiful like a Rainbow
I was at the mall the whole day last Thursday (this blog post was supposed to come out last week but honestly, i haven't been really in the "blogging mood") and I decided to take like super random pictures. So, here are some selected pictures from that day and I decided to arrange them by color according to the ROYGBIV pattern, only there's no IV :P
Red. It reminds me of passion, of love, of blood - Not that i'm into gory stuff, it's just that blood reminds me of surgery-related things and being a surgeon is like my ultimate dream!
Red. It reminds me of passion, of love, of blood - Not that i'm into gory stuff, it's just that blood reminds me of surgery-related things and being a surgeon is like my ultimate dream!
Orange. I honestly don't like orange unless it's beside something that's apple green (it's my fave). The only thing i remember when i see something orange is the fruit orange. OKAAAYY LAME.

It's breadtalk! my favorite bread store! :)) The original Floss and beckham and cheese are my favorites! yum!

Its a bus again, but orange this time!
Yellow. It's PINOY PRIDE because of Ninoy and Cory Aquino - a constant reminder to always love my country, to support and defend (to those who criticize) it.

yeah ok, very random. Garbage bag :P
Green. It's the environment. You have no idea how much I love trees! I super use scratch papers for my school notes okay (hence, the blog name). People should save trees and the environment in general. Climate Change angers me especially those people who don't give a damn about it. I mean it's okay if you think that climate change is just a myth or whatsoever but at least respect those people who are trying their best to save the world. ( i'm not hitting anyone here :))

Blue. It reminds me of my dad who works as a captain of a cargo ship. When I see the beach, he's the first thing i remember... thinking if he's alright and safe wherever he is. :) AND i hate it but it also reminds me of my fourth year research paper which was about how climate change affects the marine ecosystem of the Pacific Ocean. haha yeah, i had to know scientific stuff about corals and such :)) but oh well. i loved that paper! :P

It's What Hat, had my first ever taste of Froyo there! haha. and it was a very unforgettable experience too with arcee, kaycee and aya! the boy selling yema? :\ hmmmm

Powerbooks! blue an orange hahha. I love that place, it's like my library since when i have nothing else to do in the mall i go there, grab a book and sit somewhere and read :P HAHAH. I usually get art and photography books!
so there that's it! This blog post is fail. I'm in a rush right now and i'm really REALLY not in the mood to blog anything recently. :( :\
and i really just want to share this quote from my friend in high school "There are few colors in the world, God should make more" heehee. SORRY BABAW BUT I FIND IT AMUSING! AHHA.
and i really just want to share this quote from my friend in high school "There are few colors in the world, God should make more" heehee. SORRY BABAW BUT I FIND IT AMUSING! AHHA.
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