I haven't been reading books. The last book I've read was Thirteen moons which is not really interesting because the way it was written was so overwhelming and when i say overwhelming it only means one thing - I did not understand anything. So, I didn't finish it. In fact, I've only read 'til page 7. haha.

Last Wednesday I saw one of my friends reading Sophie Kinsella's Can You Keep A Secret. I've never read any of Her books even the Shopaholic series. I asked my friend if it's a nice book and she told me that it is and it's a funny book. I read the first two pages... and I fell in love with it. I just finished the book a while ago and I love everything about it. I love the way how Sophie Kinsella wrote the book. It's very easy to understand and this is the first book that made me cry and laugh at the same time. A book should give its readers happiness and should save them from boredom - this book did! I literally couldn't put the book down. I was laughing the whole time. Nicole and alex are my witnesses. I was laughing out loud the whole time, no joke! This book is like oh-my-Gosh-amazing! I can read it all over again. It's really good especially if you're the type of person who doesn't like 'my-brain-is-gonna-explode-because-it's-so-hard-to-understand-and-the-words-are-so-deep' books.
The books is basically about Emma who spills all her secrets to a stranger on a plane because she thought she was going to die. She told him everything - boyfriend, bestfriend, and even her sex life. So you can just imagine how embarrassed she was when she found out that she wasn't going to die. But she was relieved that she will never see this stranger again.
Guess what?!
She sees him again at work...and to make the problem worse, he's the owner of the company she works for. Oh my....
I love Sophie Kinsella! I'm going to buy all her books. I'm going to finish all of them this week! I promise! well, not really but I must read them!!!! haha.
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