Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Introduction to Passports

During the the last english class I promised myself to continue writing passports. FYI, in english class, a passport is not a document used for the purpose of international travel but rather a document written on a 4x6 index card where we (the seniors of AC) write about anything we want to share to the teacher. I'm actually not sure why they're called passports...all i know is that when a student doesn't have a passport, she can't participate in class or she's sent out of the AV1 plus get 'sermoned' at.

My passports really helped me to just keep going, not to lose hope and live life.

Most of my entries were about stress, all my emo-ness, and i vent out too. What i really love about the passport is that the comments of my teacher just magically turns everything into the right place. You know how you feel very negative about yourself and then you read a piece of paper saying that 'it's ok' or 'good job!' then suddenly you feel like the whole world is smiling at you? Well, that's how i feel when i read the comments. They're like affirmations and affirmations save people :)

So from now on, every wednesday i will write a passport (which can be read by the whold world! :)) haha.) Comments are soo welcome! :)

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